BUILD Responds to Unrest Following Death of Freddie Gray

“Baltimore [is] a tale of two cities: A downtown that has been completely redeveloped and uptown communities that have been neglected for years. That’s what you’re seeing right now, a spillover of really 40 years of benign neglect; of young people who feel they no longer have a stake in the city’s future.” Bishop Douglas Miles, pastor at Koinonia Baptist Church and BUILD Clergy Co-Chair Emeritus

Following the death of Freddie Gray, BUILD stepped up its presence in Sandtown-Winchester by going door to door with the No Boundaries Coalition to hear the concerns of residents. In the days of unrest and the weeks following, BUILD listened to over 200 residents over one weekend, led clean-up efforts, and organized community leaders to demand action from Council President Jack Young and Baltimore City Police Commissioner Batts.

More jobs, and constructive opportunities for youth lead residents’ concerns in the wake of the unrest.

“The crime problem is a jobs problem.” Melvin Wilson, Turnaround Tuesday leader and volunteer

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